As some of you might know, ever since I finished the L3p D3sk project all 6 of us have been busy with the company named Red Harbinger. This team exists out of these great persons.

First project … to improve, re-design and compatibilize the L3p D3sk.

This will be completely different compared to my other buildlogs..
It’s the build of the first prototype available for the market soon.
I thought, if I have to test it anyway….
why not make a buildlog and use this opportunity to get as much as possible input from you readers.

Please keep in mind this is a prototype.
Few things we already changed months ago in the design but aren’t in this prototype yet.
– Leg height 2 1/2″ lower
– Illuminating the legs
– Lots of small things
– Got a dual system version, should’ve been single 🙂


So here we go!
Can you imagine how excited I was after 12 months having this in front of my door?


Right after unpacking it, just had to see how it would look like  🙂


‘Few’ hours later.


For now we aren’t planning to build the desks with hardware or watercooling setups.
There will be a version for a single pc and dual pc setup in different colors.
We do have plans for all kind nice options and extra’s.
Here a newspost from Thomas about the price and plans.

For more pictures .. Check out our forums!