Well, it’s been a truly indescribable modding year for me, and I wanted to close out this tremendous honor by thanking the following sponsors, friends and fans.
In case you missed it (pun intended), I somehow managed to scrape by extremely talented competition and pull some awards in the process.
It still makes me so proud, as the competition was refined and full of talent!

Bit-Tech Mod Of The Year and Guru3D Rig Of The Year
Other achievements.

As a bonus to the supportive community, I am sharing some unseen photos of the finished project.

After submitting this post, I will be focusing on my current casemod and company, Red Harbinger.
I have met some incredible people along the way with the L3p D3sk.
I know a lot of you were very interested in building or buying the L3p D3sk, and I am happy to announce we will be producing it for sale; the manufacture prototypes are being created as I type this final message.
As a founding member of Red Harbinger Inc., you can expect to see current and future builds (including the L3p D3sk) for actual purchase.
Again, thanks for all your support and feedback; I could not have done it without the strong support of the community!


My wife and daughter for all their patience.
Neighbors Babs & Gepke
Rudi & Susanne Kirst van Camping de Kuilaart.
Pascal for inspiring me.
Hendrik van Slooten
Richard Keirsgieter
Antony Leather
Freddy from the Highflow forum.
Vincent from the Highflow forum.
wwwicked from the Highflow forum.
Highflow.nl and all the forum members for making me addicted to water-cooling.
All the supporting sites who placed articles or where I could place my buildlog.
All the readers, supporters and voters from all the buildlogs all over the world.
Fans forĀ  all the emails and compliments coming in from every part of the planet!
I can’t express what it really means to have so many fans interested in my design!
And off course all people who I might forgot to thank in person!

Also not to forget the sponsors who made this all possible.


Thanks again for being an integral part of this process!
-Peter Brands (L3p)

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